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The Little Sisters of the Holy Family

Especially for you,
dear priests and future priests
From your Little Sisters

A rosary for you

Dear priests and future priests,
representatives of God on this earth,
you are disciples of Jesus,
you have been chosen by the Lord to receive his words and proclaim the Good News,
you offer your life with joy and you are in a deep relationship with the Lord in prayer,
you walk with the people and give them the sacraments,
you pray that the Lord may heal your weaknesses and that of the people,
you allow yourselves to be identified with the Lord through the difficulties you encounter,
you trust in the Lord as artisans of relationship and communion,
you take risks for the Gospel,
you are sons of Mary and you unite yourselves to her song of praise.
... We wish to make our hearts living lamps by the fervor of our prayers for your intentions.
Your Little Sisters
United in prayer,

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